
Book chapters
N. Nagananda, A.M. Ali, I.M. Roy, C.M. Verfaillie, S. Khurana. Physico-chemical properties of the stem cell niche. In A. Muykhopadhyay ed. Regenerative Medicine, Springer India Pvt. Ltd. 2017.
S. Khurana, S. Bhaskar and A. Mukhopadhyay. Laboratory practice for the production of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. In A. Varma, R Oelmuller, eds. Advanced techniques in soil microbiology, Springer-verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007:73-91.
S. Khurana, S. Bhaskar and A. Mukhopadhyay . Modern techniques for analyzing immunological responses. In A. Varma, R Oelmuller, eds. Advanced techniques in soil microbiology, Springer-verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007:92-109.
Bimetallic DNAsome decorated with G4-DNA as a nanozyme for targeted and enhanced chemo/chemodynamic cancer therapy. G. Raj, A. P. Vasantha, V. D. Sreekumar, A. V. Beena, V. K. K. Dommeti, H. Perozhy, A. T. Jose, S. Khurana and R. Varghese. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2024 Apr 26; e2400256.
Glycolytic state of aortic endothelium favors hematopoietic transition during the emergence of definitive hematopoiesis. Anu PV, Mehatre SH, Verfaillie CM, Alam MT, Khurana S. Science Advances. 2024 Feb 16; Vol 10, Issue 7
Immuno-localization of definitive hematopoietic stem cells in the vascular niche of mouse fetal liver. Biswas A, Singh SK, Kartha GM, Khurana S. STAR Protoc . 2022 Oct 11;3(4):101580.
Inhibition of SRC-mediated integrin signaling in bone marrow niche enhances hematopoietic stem cell function. Roy IM, Anu PV, Zaunz S, Reddi S, Giri AM, Sankar RS, Schouteden S, Huelsken J, Verfaillie CM, Khurana S. iScience . 2022 Sep 19;25(10):105171.
Neutral Comet Assay to Detect and Quantitate DNA Double-Strand Breaksin Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Roy IM, Nadar PS, Khurana S. Bio Protoc. 2021 Aug 20;11(16):e4130.
Niche-Mediated Integrin Signaling Supports Steady-State Hematopoiesis in the Spleen. Mehatre SH, Roy IM, Biswas A, Prit D, Schouteden S, Huelsken J, Verfaillie CM, Khurana S. J Immunol April 1, 2021, 206 (7) 1549-1560.
Periostin/Integrin-αv axis regulates the size of hematopoietic stem cell pool in the fetal liver. Biswas A, Roy IM, Babu PC, Manesia JK, Schouteden S, Vijayakurup V, Anto RJ, Huelsken J, Lacy-Hulbert A, Verfaillie CM, Khurana S. Stem Cell Reports. 2020 Aug 11;15(2):340-357
Periostin and Integrin Signaling in Stem Cell Regulation. Suresh A, Biswas A, Perumal S, Khurana S. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2019;1132:163-176
Energy producing metabolic pathways in functional regulation of the hematopoietic stem cells. Roy IM, Biswas A, Verfaillie CM, Khurana S. IUBMB Life. 2018 Jul;70(7):612-624.
Generation of hepatocyte and endocrine pancreatic-like cells from human induced endodermal progenitor cells. Sambathkumar R, Akkerman R, Dastidar S, Roelandt P, Kumar M, Bajaj M, Rosa AM, Helsen N, Vanslembrouck V, Kalo E, Khurana S, Laureys J, Gysemans C, Faas MM, de Vos P, Verfaillie CM. PLoS One. 2018 May 11;13(5):e0197046.
Multipotent adult progenitor cells improve the hematopoietic function in myelodysplasia. Roobrouck VD, Wolfs E, Delforge M, Broekaert D, Chakraborty S, Sels K, Vanwelden T, Holvoet B, Lhoest L, Khurana S, Pandey S, Hoornaert C, Ponsaerts P, Struys T, Boeckx N, Vandenberghe P, Deroose CM, Verfaillie CM. Cytotherapy. 2017 Jun;19(6):744-755.
Distinct Molecular Signature of Murine Fetal Liver and Adult Hematopoietic Stem Cells Identify Novel Regulators of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Function. Manesia JK, Franch M, Tabas-Madrid D, Nogales-Cadenas R, Vanwelden T, Van Den Bosch E, Xu Z, Pascual-Montano A, Khurana S, Verfaillie CM. Stem Cells Dev. 2017 Apr 15;26(8):573-584.
Outside-in integrin signalling regulates haematopoietic stem cell function via Periostin-Itgav axis. Khurana S, Schouteden S, Manesia JK, Santamaria-MartÃnez A, Huelsken J, Lacy-Hulbert A, Verfaillie CM. Nat Commun. 2016 Dec 1;7:13500.
The effects of proliferation and DNA damage on hematopoietic stem cell function determine aging. Khurana S. Dev Dyn. 2016 Jul;245(7):739-50. Review.
Highly proliferative primitive fetal liver hematopoietic stem cells are fueled by oxidative metabolic pathways. Manesia JK, Xu Z, Broekaert D, Boon R, van Vliet A, Eelen G, Vanwelden T, Stegen S, Van Gastel N, Pascual-Montano A, Fendt SM, Carmeliet G, Carmeliet P, Khurana S, Verfaillie CM. Stem Cell Res. 2015 Nov;15(3):715-721.
Contribution of different bone marrow-derived cell types in endometrial regeneration using an irradiated murine model. Gil-Sanchis C, Cervelló I, Khurana S, Faus A, Verfaillie C, Simón C. Fertil Steril. 2015 Jun;103(6):1596-605.e1.
Restoration of progranulin expression rescues cortical neuron generation in an induced pluripotent stem cell model of frontotemporal dementia. Raitano S, Ordovàs L, De Muynck L, Guo W, Espuny-Camacho I, Geraerts M, Khurana S, Vanuytsel K, Tóth BI, Voets T, Vandenberghe R, Cathomen T, Van Den Bosch L, Vanderhaeghen P, Van Damme P, Verfaillie CM. Stem Cell Reports. 2015 Jan 13;4(1):16-24.
FANCA knockout in human embryonic stem cells causes a severe growth disadvantage. Vanuytsel K, Cai Q, Nair N, Khurana S, Shetty S, Vermeesch JR, Ordovas L, Verfaillie CM. Stem Cell Res. 2014 Sep;13(2):240-50.
SMAD signaling regulates CXCL12 expression in the bone marrow niche, affecting homing and mobilization of hematopoietic progenitors. Khurana S, Melacarne A, Yadak R, Schouteden S, Notelaers T, Pistoni M, Maes C, Verfaillie CM. Stem Cells. 2014 Nov;32(11):3012-22.
Wnt5a does not support hematopoiesis in stroma-free, serum-free cultures. Schaap-Oziemlak AM, Schouteden S, Khurana S, Verfaillie CM. PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e53669.
Glypican-3-mediated inhibition of CD26 by TFPI: a novel mechanism in hematopoietic stem cell homing and maintenance. Khurana S, Margamuljana L, Joseph C, Schouteden S, Buckley SM, Verfaillie CM. Blood. 2013 Apr 4;121(14):2587-95.
A novel role of BMP4 in adult hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell homing via Smad independent regulation of integrin-α4 expression. Khurana S, Buckley S, Schouteden S, Ekker S, Petryk A, Delforge M, Zwijsen A, Verfaillie CM. Blood. 2013 Jan 31;121(5):781-90.
Hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha induces transdifferentiation of hematopoietic cells into hepatocytes. Khurana S, Jaiswal AK, Mukhopadhyay A. J Biol Chem. 2010 Feb 12;285(7):4725-31.
Hematopoietic progenitors from early murine fetal liver possess hepatic differentiation potential. Khurana S, Mukhopadhyay A. Am J Pathol. 2008 Dec;173(6):1818-27.
In vitro transdifferentiation of adult hematopoietic stem cells: an alternative source of engraftable hepatocytes. Khurana S, Mukhopadhyay A. J Hepatol. 2008 Dec;49(6):998-1007.
Characterization of the potential subpopulation of bone marrow cells involved in the repair of injured liver tissue. Khurana S, Mukhopadhyay A. Stem Cells. 2007 Jun;25(6):1439-47.
MDR1 gene expression enhances long-term engraftibility of cultured bone marrow cells. Rentala S, Sagar Balla MM, Khurana S, Mukhopadhyay A. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 Sep 30;335(3):957-64.